UNILAG Lecturer, Dr. Kadiri Akeem Babalola, Accused of Rap!ng Undergraduate

UNILAG Lecturer, Dr. Kadiri Akeem Babalola, Accused of Rap!ng Undergraduate

In a shocking turn of events, a lecturer at the University of Lagos (UNILAG), Dr. Kadiri Akeem Babalola, is facing accusations of sexual assault. The victim, a 20-year-old undergraduate student, has come forward with claims that Dr. Babalola raped her during a visit to his office to address issues related to her academic results.

The incident allegedly occurred on August 16, 2023, when the victim sought the lecturer's assistance in resolving concerns about her academic performance. Instead of providing the necessary support, Dr. Babalola is accused of sexually assaulting the student.

The victim reported the incident to the Inclusive Social Welfare and Empowerment Foundation (InclusiveSWEF), a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to advocating for victims of gender-based violence and abuse. InclusiveSWEF promptly notified the Gender Unit of the state police command about the case.

Subsequently, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Idowu Owohunwa, issued a warrant for Dr. Babalola's arrest through the state High Court, acting on the recommendation of the Officer in Charge (OC) Gender. The Vice Chancellor of UNILAG was also involved in the matter and given seven days to produce Dr. Babalola.

In response to the summons, Dr. Babalola reportedly admitted to the crime during questioning by UNILAG's Vice Chancellor. The institution's Chief Security Officer informed the police about this development, leading to the lecturer's arrest.

InclusiveSWEF commended the collaborative efforts of UNILAG and the police in seeking justice for the undergraduate victim. Dr. Kadiri Akeem Babalola is expected to appear in court in the coming days to answer to the charges of rape brought against him. This case serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address issues of sexual harassment and assault within educational institutions and the broader society.