UNILAG RMO Hosts Inaugural Webinar Series on Crafting Competitive Research Proposals

The Research Management Office (RMO) at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) is launching its first webinar series focused on "Preparation and Submission of Competitive Concept Note/Proposal" under the theme "Unveiling the Intricacies in TETFund/NRF Proposals."

UNILAG RMO Hosts Inaugural Webinar Series on Crafting Competitive Research Proposals

The Research Management Office (RMO) at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) is launching its first webinar series titled "Preparation and Submission of Competitive Concept Note/Proposal: Unveiling the Intricacies in TETFund/NRF Proposals." Scheduled for Friday, June 28, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., the webinar will be conducted via Zoom (Meeting ID: 87465133745, Password: 665053).

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The initiative aims to empower faculty members with expert knowledge and practical insights essential for securing funding for research projects. Interested participants are encouraged to register through the provided link here to benefit from valuable guidance on navigating the complexities of crafting successful TETFund/NRF Concept Notes and Proposals.

The RMO-UNILAG Webinar Series is strategically designed amidst rising competition for research funding, emphasizing the importance of mastering proposal writing skills. Faculty members will gain critical expertise in conceptualizing and presenting research ideas effectively to meet the stringent criteria of funding bodies.

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This inaugural event underscores UNILAG’s commitment to fostering a research-driven environment and equipping its academic community with the tools necessary to excel in securing competitive research grants. Participants can expect to gain insights into best practices, guidelines, and strategies for enhancing their proposal-writing capabilities, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge through funded research endeavors.

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