UNILAG Uploads Additional List Of Student Who Registered Free Coursera Courses

UNILAG Student Affairs Division uploaded additional list of students who registered for the free Coursera Courses.

UNILAG Uploads Additional List Of Student Who Registered Free Coursera Courses
UNILAG Uploads Additional List Of Student Who Registered Free Coursera Courses

UNILAG Student Affairs Division uploaded additional list of students who registered for the free Coursera Courses.

The Student Affairs Division, University of Lagos (UNILAG) has uploaded an additional list (batch 2) of students who registered for the Free Coursera Courses.

Those who were not captured on the first batch earlier uploaded should check their e-mail addresses for an invitation link and commence immediately. Please note that participants’ progress are being monitored.

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The deadline for enrolment and commencement is Friday, September 14, 2023. This implies that the free license given to students that do not enroll/commence their online course by the deadline will be revoked, to enable other interested students use the license.

Upon completion of the chosen course, students are to download their certificate of completion.

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For enquiries, kindly email: counselling@unilag.edu.ng

MySchoolNews reporting.