Yabatech Emphasizes Industry Collaboration for National Development

Dr. Abdul Ibraheem, Rector of Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), emphasized the importance of industry collaboration for national development and youth empowerment during his first-year presentation and public lecture.

Yabatech Emphasizes Industry Collaboration for National Development

Dr. Abdul Ibraheem, Rector of Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), has highlighted the importance of fostering industry collaboration to drive national development and youth empowerment. This message was conveyed during the presentation marking his first year in office and a public lecture held on campus.

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Dr. Ibraheem emphasized that Yabatech values industry partnerships as they are essential for aligning academic programs with real-world needs. To enhance these collaborations, Yabatech has established several initiatives:

  • Yabatech Industry Alliance Group: Facilitates collaborations between the college and various industries.
  • Yabatech ICT Academies: Aims to equip students with advanced technological skills and certifications before graduation, providing additional income opportunities for staff.
  • Collaboration with Skillfort: Awarded partial scholarships to 30 students for an eight-week telecommunications training program.
  • Partnership with MTN Nigeria: Focuses on youth empowerment initiatives.
  • MOUs with Usman Danfodiyo University and KOBE Institute of Computing, Japan: These agreements promote academic advancement and exposure to 21st-century skills.

SEE MORE: YABATECH Welcomes Delegation from Human International Business and Vocational College China

Significant funding and strategic partnerships have been secured to enhance infrastructure and resources, including:

  • N1.93 billion in research grants (both local and international).
  • N26 billion in endowments: Includes a N3.5 billion building complex named the Folawiyo Entrepreneurship Centre, a 150-acre Green Campus Initiative on Snake Island, and a hostel building at the Epe campus.

George Okufi, in his keynote address, commended Dr. Ibraheem for his humble and effective leadership. He highlighted several achievements, such as the Free Eye Care program in collaboration with AL-Basa, which conducted 400 surgeries and 4,000 check-ups for free, and the international exchange program that sent 25 students to China.

Mrs. Olabisi Adeniji, Chairman of the Ceremonies Committee, praised Dr. Ibraheem’s visionary leadership, celebrating the significant milestones achieved during his first year as Rector.

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