ABU Zaria Division of Agricultural Colleges Releases Admission list
This is to notify the general public, especially those that applied for the HND, ND, certificate and remedial programmes at the Division of Agricultural Colleges the 2021/2022 admission first list is OUT Monitored by myschoolnews.

This is to notify the general public, especially those that applied for the HND, ND, certificate and remedial programmes at the Division of Agricultural Colleges the 2021/2022 admission first list is OUT Monitored by myschoolnews.
below are the steps to check your admission status
Steps to Check ABU DAC Admission List 2021/2022
Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria Division of Agricultural Colleges (DAC) Admission list, 2021/2022
1. Kindly log on to ABU DAC admission status checking portal via https://portal.dac.abu.edu.ng/eforms/admission.php
2. Enter your application number in the required column.
3. Finally, click on 'Check Admission Status' to access your DAC admission status.
Congratulation to the admitted ones!!!