Azura-Edo Donates Solar Energy and Car Park to UNN

Azura-Edo, a leading West African power company, donates 240kW solar energy and a car park to UNN's Faculty of Engineering, supporting sustainable development goals and reducing carbon footprint.

Azura-Edo Donates Solar Energy and Car Park to UNN

In a groundbreaking ceremony held at the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), a significant contribution was made by Azura-Edo, a leading power company in West Africa. The company donated 240 kilowatts of solar energy alongside an 80-capacity car park to the Faculty of Engineering at UNN.

Edu Okeke, the Managing Director of Azura-Edo, emphasized that this donation aligns with the company's commitment to supporting the Federal Government's target of achieving net-zero 60%, a global initiative aimed at mitigating temperature rise and combating climate change. Representing Okeke at the ceremony, Murtala Bello, the Head of Corporate Affairs at Azura, reiterated that this gesture is part of the company's dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its Corporate Social Responsibility.

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The project, estimated to cost around N604 million, is scheduled for completion by May 2024. Bello highlighted that Azura consistently allocates approximately a million dollars annually towards Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives across Nigeria, underscoring the company's commitment to societal development.

In response, Prof. Charles Igwe, the Vice-chancellor of UNN, expressed gratitude for Azura's contribution, emphasizing its potential to significantly reduce the university's expenditure on conventional power sources. He noted that the solar electrification project will not only provide reliable energy to the Faculty of Engineering but also contribute to reducing the institution's carbon footprint.

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The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Emenike Ejiogu, recalled that the project's genesis traces back to an announcement made by Mr. Okeke during the Faculty's Herbert Macaulay Memorial Lecture in 2022. He praised the decision to integrate solar panels into the construction of the car park, a move that exemplifies innovative sustainability practices.

Furthermore, Prof. Ejiogu highlighted the role of initiatives like the Herbert Macaulay Memorial Lecture series in attracting donor projects and fostering alumni engagement.

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The ceremony was attended by officials from Azura Power, including Project Manager Mr. Sunny Nwachukwu, ESG Specialist Mr. Onoro Dafe, and Social Impact Manager David Ekugum, along with representatives from various departments within the Faculty of Engineering and the University Management.

This significant donation marks a milestone in UNN's journey towards sustainability and underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between academia and industry in addressing pressing environmental challenges.