BLW UNIZIK Chapter Presents Exciting Event Alert for Campus Freshers

Believers' Loveworld (UNIZIK Chapter) is to host an exciting event for UNIZIK first-year students, featuring scholarships, games, art, and more, this Saturday at JUPEB Hall, Science village. Free buses provided.

BLW UNIZIK Chapter Presents Exciting Event Alert for Campus Freshers

This Saturday promises to be an unforgettable experience for all UNIZIK first years, as Believers' Loveworld has an exclusive event for them.

Here's what you can expect:

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Scholarships and Raffle Draws: A chance to win valuable scholarships and amazing prizes through exciting raffle draws.

Games: An avenue to unleash your competitive spirit with a variety of games that will keep you entertained all day.

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Eat and Drink: Indulge in delicious refreshments and snacks as you mingle with fellow students and make new friends.

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Creative Art: There will be a showcase of artistic talents and creative works on display.

Free Buses: Free buses will be provided at the Ifite school gate for students' convenience.

Time: 11 am 

Venue: Jupeb Hall, Science village for a day filled with fun and opportunities.

Freshers and students alike are advised to spread the word and to bring their friends along.