Book O'Clock Literary Foundation Holds Anniversary Prize Ceremony

Book O'Clock Literary Foundation Holds Anniversary Prize Ceremony in Sokoto

Book O'Clock Literary Foundation Holds Anniversary Prize Ceremony

The Book O'Clock Literary Foundation, a non-governmental organization promoting literacy in Africa, held its anniversary prize ceremony at the American Space in Sokoto.

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The event recognized outstanding secondary school students who participated in the 2024 edition of the competition, themed "Teens' Mental Health in Nigeria."

The competition received submissions from 42 students across 15 schools in Sokoto State, with the top 10 entrants making the shortlist. The winner, Mariya Sa'ad Liman of Government Girls College, Sokoto, received a cash prize of ₦50,000, while Fatima Bello Yahya of Brilliant Footsteps International Academy and Ochidi Favour of Royal Comprehensive School, Sokoto, came in second and third places, respectively.

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The ceremony also featured special recognition for Sautul Haqq Schools, the only primary school in the contest, and goodwill messages from representatives of CHELD Africa and the Greenline Nurture Initiative.

Book O'Clock's Executive Director, Uchenna Emelife, expressed gratitude to stakeholders and emphasized the importance of teacher and school management support in promoting arts and literature among students.

The Book O'Clock Anniversary Prize aims to encourage creative arts among children and teens in Sokoto, while also engaging them in contemporary social discourses.