Bayero University Announces Hostel Registration Process for Fresh Students

Bayero University Kano Announces Hostel Registration Process for Fresh Students

Bayero University Announces Hostel Registration Process for Fresh Students

Bayero University Kano (BUK) has released guidelines for fresh students to register for hostel accommodation. To secure a hostel space, students are required to:

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1. Collect the hostel form from the Hostel Administration Office.

2. Complete the form and obtain approval from their Level Coordinator or Head of Department (HOD).

3. Attach a passport photograph to the form.

4. Submit the completed form back to the Hostel Administration Office.

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For students who are unable to physically collect and submit the form due to distance, they may delegate someone in Kano to act on their behalf.

The university advises all fresh students to expedite the process to ensure timely accommodation.