Exceptional Twin Sisters Graduate as Valedictorian and Salutatorian at Ohio High School

Mya, who achieved the highest GPA in her class, attributed her success to staying organized and ahead of assignments. Madison, who secured the second position, compensated for her procrastination with hard work and dedication.

Exceptional Twin Sisters Graduate as Valedictorian and Salutatorian at Ohio High School

Twin sisters Mya and Madison Glover, aged 18, from Toledo, Ohio, made history by graduating as valedictorian and salutatorian at Toledo Early College High School. This prestigious program allows students to earn college credits while still in high school.

Mya, who achieved the highest GPA in her class, attributed her success to staying organized and ahead of assignments. Madison, who secured the second position, compensated for her procrastination with hard work and dedication.

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The sisters credited their supportive family for their achievements, emphasizing the importance of familial encouragement.Both Mya and Madison graduated with a 3.9 GPA and earned their associate degrees from the University of Toledo before high school graduation, thanks to the rigorous Toledo Early College program.

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These sisters, among the few Black students in a predominantly white program, faced challenges and stereotypes but remained determined to excel.Their accomplishments serve as inspiration for other Black students striving for academic excellence, and the sisters encourage students to step out of their comfort zones.

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With full scholarships to the University of Toledo, Mya plans to major in biology and pursue a career in medicine, while Madison aspires to major in engineering and become an aerospace engineer.These exceptional twins showcase the potential for academic achievement and sisterly support.