LASU Opens School Fees Payment and Online Registration Portal for 2024/2025 Academic Session

Lagos State University (LASU) has announced the commencement of school fees payment and online registration for newly admitted undergraduate students in the 2024/2025 session.

LASU Opens School Fees Payment and Online Registration Portal for 2024/2025 Academic Session

Lagos State University (LASU) has announced the commencement of school fees payment and online registration for newly admitted full-time undergraduate students in the 2024/2025 academic session.

The university confirmed that students who have completed their LACACA operations and have been assigned matriculation numbers can now access the payment portal to remit their school fees and other associated charges. The school fees payment is scheduled to run for the first two weeks of resumption, beginning Monday, November 18, 2024. LASU has urged students to adhere strictly to this timeline to avoid penalties for late payment.

Step-by-Step Guidelines for New Students

Biodata Registration
Newly admitted students are required to complete their biodata registration via LASU’s official website, The process involves navigating to the “STUDENT” tab, selecting “BIODATA REGISTRATION,” and inputting their matriculation number and surname to access the registration form.

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Online Courses Registration
Once the online registration portal becomes active, students will be expected to complete their courses registration by following these steps:

  1. Visit LASU’s website and click on “UG COURSE REGISTRATION.”
  2. Create a password and log in with their matriculation number and password.
  3. Upload the completed Anti-Cultism Oath Form.
  4. Agree to the university’s Code of Conduct by checking the required boxes.
  5. Register for courses and print the necessary documents, including the Main Registration Form, Course Registration Form, and Examination Slip.

Students must submit all printed documents to their respective departments for endorsement by the Head of Department. Unsigned course forms will not be considered valid evidence of registration.

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Advisory for Returning Students

LASU also addressed returning students, informing them that their payment portal and course registration options are not yet active. The university assured returning students that further instructions would be communicated in due course.

The university has advised newly admitted students to consult their respective departments to obtain the list of registerable courses. This step is essential for seamless preparation ahead of the online course registration process.