Federal Polytechnic Nekede Begins Sale of HND Admission Forms for 2024/2025 Session

Federal Polytechnic Nekede has started selling Higher National Diploma (HND) admission forms for the 2024/2025 session.

Federal Polytechnic Nekede Begins Sale of HND Admission Forms for 2024/2025 Session
Federal Polytechnic Nekede, logo

Federal Polytechnic Nekede has commenced the sale of Higher National Diploma (HND) admission forms for the 2024/2025 academic session. Prospective applicants are invited to obtain and complete the forms to secure admission into various HND programmes offered by the institution.

According to a statement released by the institution, the admission forms are currently on sale and interested candidates are encouraged to promptly obtain theirs to avoid any delays in the application process.

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Federal Polytechnic Nekede offers a wide range of HND programmes across different faculties and departments. The institution prides itself on providing quality education and practical training aimed at equipping students with relevant skills for the workforce.

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Prospective applicants are advised to visit the institution’s official website for detailed information on admission requirements, available programmes, and other pertinent details.

The deadline for the submission of completed admission forms will be announced in due course. Aspiring students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to secure admission into Federal Polytechnic Nekede for the 2024/2025 academic session.

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