FUGUSAU VC advocates increased private investment in education

Federal varsity Gusau VC advocates increased private investment in education

FUGUSAU VC advocates increased private investment in education

The Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Gusau (FUG) in Zamfara State, Professor Muazu Abubakar, has disclosed that there is a need for well-to-do individuals to invest heavily in education, saying it will complement the efforts of the Federal Government.

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Speaking during a press conference on Monday to mark the commencement of the 2nd (3rd/4th) combined convocation ceremony, the vice-chancellor of the Federal University of Gusau, Professor Muazu Abubakar, disclosed that modest achievements have been so far recorded at the university.

According to the vice-chancellor, the university was set to graduate a total of 2534 students in a combined 2021–2022 session.

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The university was established eleven (11) years ago, precisely in February 2013, along with two others: the Federal University Birni-Kebbi and the Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State.

He explained that FUG started academic activities in the 2014/2015 academic session. “Like other universities the world over, it was established to cater for problems and meet the aspirations of society,” he added

“Part of the objectives of the university is to foster socio-economic development and promote the living standard and well-being of its citizens. Therefore, the trajectory of the university is in the direction of building a robust and conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research for the imparting of knowledge, creative innovation, and service to humanity.”

FUG VC has also disclosed that professor Emeritus Abubakar Sambo would chair a free convocation lecture as part of activities for the combined convocation in the state.

“I would like to inform you, gentlemen of the press, that this year’s convocation will be graced by a great number of important personalities, such as the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, serving and former governors, serving and former senators and members of the House of Representatives, the Sultan of Sokoto, and emirs, among others.”

“It is worth noting that, the Convocation Lecturer at the Pre-Convocation Lecture is the Executive Governor of Katsina State, Н.Е. Malam Dikko Umaru Radda, PhD, while the Chairman of the Occasion will be, Professor (Emeritus) Abubakar Sani Sambo, OON, Former Director General, Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), Former Vice Chancellor, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi, Member, Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC), Africa Region.”

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He mentioned that immediately after the pre-convocation lecture, there will be the commissioning of some modest legacy projects that they were able to execute under the present leadership of Professor Muazu Abubakar.

Professor Muazu said Convocation is a rite of passage and celebratory ceremony where degrees are conferred upon graduating students who have been found worthy in learning and have conducted themselves in line with the extant rules and regulations governing conducts in the University by exhibiting exemplary character.

“In this year’s convocation, in order to serve as an encouragement to other students who are yet to graduate, prizes and awards will be presented to the high-performing and deserving students.”

The VC recalled that the Federal University of Gusau has held its first combined (1st and 2nd) convocation ceremonies for the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 academic sessions on January 25, 2020 and a total of 685 graduates participated

He said achievements could not have been recorded anywhere without some challenges. “The challenges we are facing as an institution are not unique to us alone but to other federal institutions in Nigeria and the North West in particular. These challenges are of funding and insecurity bedevilling us.”

“The needs of our institutions are enormous, and the funding from the FG is always inadequate.”.

The VC emphasised that there is a need for all well-to-do individuals to invest heavily in education, thereby complementing the efforts of the Federal Government.

“On security, governments at all levels should come in and do the needful with the aim of making our institutions conducive to learning and peaceful for progress and development,” he urged.