FUNAAB Management Unveils Retirement Programme for Staff, Honours Retirees in Heartfelt Ceremony

The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) recently unveiled a retirement programme for its staff and honored six retirees during a special ceremony organized by the Bursary Department.

FUNAAB Management Unveils Retirement Programme for Staff, Honours Retirees in Heartfelt Ceremony

In a gesture of appreciation and recognition, the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) has launched a comprehensive retirement programme for retiring staff members. The initiative, spearheaded by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Babatunde Kehinde, aims to honour the dedicated service of retiring staff and provide support as they transition into retirement life.

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The announcement of the retirement programme was made during a special Send-Forth ceremony organized by the Bursary Department on May 28, 2024. The ceremony served as an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of six esteemed retirees: Mr. John Alebiosu, Mrs. Elizabeth Adeyemo, Mr. Israel Sodiya, Mrs. Margaret Bamgbose, Mr. Ismail Ewedairo, and Mr. Gabriel Olutan. These individuals were recognized for their unwavering commitment and significant impact on the university community.

Expressing his gratitude for their service, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Babatunde Kehinde remarked, "Your contributions are seen and appreciated, and we are grateful for your service. You have set a high standard, and we will strive to continue with your legacy." He emphasized the importance of upholding the values demonstrated by the retirees, echoing the sentiment expressed in the National Anthem, "Labours of our heroes past shall never be in vain."

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During the event, Ag. Bursar Mr. Olukayode Osinuga expressed heartfelt appreciation for the retirees' selfless dedication. He emphasized the importance of creating lasting memories and cherishing moments of camaraderie. Mr. Osinuga reassured the retirees that the Bursary Department would remain a home they could always return to, underscoring the department's commitment to honouring its dedicated and hardworking retirees.

The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of gifts and awards to the retirees in recognition of their years of service. The retirees were lauded for their exemplary work ethic and positive impact on the university community. Notable figures in attendance included Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. Kola Adebayo, Ag. Registrar Mrs. Oluwatoyin Dawodu, and representatives from various departments.

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The event concluded as a fitting tribute to the retirees, celebrating their invaluable contributions and wishing them well in their future endeavors. As FUNAAB embarks on this new chapter of supporting retiring staff members, the university reaffirms its commitment to fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition within its community.