FUOYE Theatre Students and Lecturers Bring Vibrancy to Campus with TMA Carnival of Plays

The Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) campus was abuzz with excitement as students and lecturers from the Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) department hosted the TMA Carnival of Plays 2024.

FUOYE Theatre Students and Lecturers Bring Vibrancy to Campus with TMA Carnival of Plays

Excitement and jubilation engulfed the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) campus as students and lecturers from the Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) department dazzled the university community with a spectacular event known as the TMA Carnival of Plays 2024. This colorful extravaganza transformed the campus into a vibrant spectacle, showcasing the creativity and talent of FUOYE's theatre enthusiasts.

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The TMA Carnival of Plays, held on May 15, 2024, featured a lively street parade highlighting iconic characters from 10 selected dramatic texts chosen by final year students for their project plays. Under the guidance of their dedicated lecturers, participants adorned in elaborate costumes paraded across the campus, captivating onlookers with captivating performances and infectious enthusiasm.

Dr. (Mrs.) Tosin Koshinma Tume, Acting Head of the TMA department, shared insights into the inspiration behind the carnival, emphasizing its role in introducing students to the practical aspects of carnival and festival management. She explained that the event aimed to create awareness for the upcoming stage productions scheduled from May 27, 2024, while also fostering a sense of community within the university.

The carnival served multiple objectives, including providing students with hands-on experience in carnival production, generating publicity for the upcoming plays, and showcasing the department's vibrant energy and creativity to the university community. Dr. Tume expressed her satisfaction with the students' response, noting their enthusiasm and sense of fulfillment following the event.

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Olugbenga Convenant Babatunde, a doctoral candidate and director of the carnival, highlighted the meticulous planning and coordination involved in orchestrating the event. He emphasized the significance of using the carnival as a platform to promote cultural heritage and connect past narratives with present realities, showcasing plays such as Philomena, Efunsetan Aniwura, and Ola Rotimi's gods are not to blame.

Mrs. Timi Hadiza Kayode, a lecturer and doctoral candidate, commended Dr. Tume for her innovative leadership, which has revitalized the department and enhanced student engagement. She underscored the carnival's educational value, particularly for younger students who gained firsthand experience in carnival traditions and production.

The success of the TMA Carnival of Plays reflects FUOYE's commitment to holistic education and creative expression. As the university community basks in the afterglow of this vibrant celebration, anticipation mounts for future editions, promising even greater participation and spectacle. With the unwavering support of university leadership, faculty, and students, FUOYE's TMA department continues to shine as a beacon of artistic excellence and cultural enrichment.

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This carnival not only entertained but also educated and inspired, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who participated. As FUOYE looks ahead, the TMA department pledges to build on this success, further enriching the university experience and cementing its reputation as a hub of creativity and innovation.