Gombe State University Alumni Association Congratulates Muhammed Yunusa on Appointment as Acting Sub-Dean

Gombe State University Alumni Association Congratulates Muhammed Yunusa on Appointment as Acting Sub-Dean

Gombe State University Alumni Association Congratulates Muhammed Yunusa on Appointment as Acting Sub-Dean

The Gombe State University Alumni Association has extended its warmest congratulations to Muhammed Yunusa on his appointment as Acting Sub-Dean of the School of Management Studies (SMS) at Gombe State Polytechnic, Bajoga.

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In a statement signed by the National PRO of the GSU Alumni Association, Muhammed Yunusa's achievement was hailed as a testament to his dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence. The association expressed pride in seeing one of its own reach this significant milestone, which reflects positively on the entire alumni community.

The association expressed confidence in Muhammed Yunusa's leadership abilities, predicting that his appointment will bring positive changes and elevate the standards of the School of Management Studies.

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The statement concluded by wishing Muhammed Yunusa every success in his new role and looking forward to his continued positive impact.