Kwara State College of Education Elects its First Female SUG President

The Kwara State College of Education, (KWACOED) Oro,has recorded a historic feat with the election of its first female Student Union Government (SUG) president. The college community is eagerly anticipating the leadership of Okunlola and the positive impact she is expected to bring to the student body.

Kwara State College of Education Elects its First Female SUG President

The Kwara State College of Education, (KWACOED) Oro,has recorded a historic feat with the election of its first female Student Union Government (SUG) president.

Okunlola Rachael Kemi,a student of the Agricultural Science department,emerged victorious in the recent SUG elections.

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The election of Okunlola as the SUG president is a significant milestone for the institution and a testament to the growing influence of women in leadership roles. Her victory has been met with widespread celebrations,particularly from the National Female Students Association of Nigeria (UNESANT), Kwara State chapter.

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The college community is eagerly anticipating the leadership of Okunlola and the positive impact she is expected to bring to the student body.