NECO Announces Rescheduled 2024 National Common Entrance Examination Timetable

The National Examination Council (NECO) has officially released the timetable for the 2024 National Common Entrance Examination.

NECO Announces Rescheduled 2024 National Common Entrance Examination Timetable

The National Examination Council (NECO) has officially released the timetable for the 2024 National Common Entrance Examination (NCEE), the gateway for admission into Junior Secondary School 1 (JSS 1) of Federal Unity Colleges.

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According to the announcement signed by Hajara Ali, the Acting Director of Registration, "The NCEE is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 1st, 2024."

The release of the timetable marks a crucial milestone for thousands of primary school pupils across the country who are preparing to take the exam for entry into Federal Unity Colleges.

The examination consists of two papers: Paper I, which includes Part A covering Mathematics and Basic Science and Technology, and Part B comprising English and National Values Education. Paper II involves Part A, focusing on Quantitative and Vocational Aptitude, and Part B, emphasizing Verbal Aptitude.

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The NCEE serves as a pivotal assessment for students seeking admission into these prestigious institutions, and the timetable provides candidates with essential information regarding the date and timing of the examination. Candidates participating in the examination are required to select six (6) Federal Unity Colleges, with one choice from each geopolitical zone in Nigeria.

Ali emphasized the significance of adhering to the schedule outlined in the timetable and urged candidates, parents, and guardians to make necessary preparations for the upcoming examination.

As the date draws closer, candidates are expected to intensify their studies and focus on areas of the curriculum covered by the NCEE. Additionally, stakeholders are encouraged to provide support and guidance to candidates throughout their preparation process.

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With the timetable now available, candidates could plan their revision schedules effectively, ensuring they are adequately prepared to excel in the examination and secure admission into Federal Unity Colleges.

The release of the NCEE timetable signified NECO's commitment to facilitating a fair and transparent examination process, providing equal opportunities for all candidates seeking admission into Federal Unity Colleges across the nation.