Oluchi Umeaso of Tansian University Receives Prestigious Scholarship to United Kingdom

Oluchi Anthonia Umeaso from Tansian University's Microbiology Department sets a new academic benchmark with a final grade point average of 4.96, garnering scholarships for further studies.

Oluchi Umeaso of Tansian University Receives Prestigious Scholarship to United Kingdom
Tansian University

Breaking barriers and rewriting records, Oluchi Anthonia Umeaso has etched her name in the annals of academic excellence, clinching the title of top-performing graduate from Tansian University's Microbiology Department with an unprecedented final grade point average of 4.96 out of 5.This momentous feat, heralded by Tansian University in a recent press release, comes hot on the heels of the institution's 7-12th Convocation Ceremony at the Umunya Campus in Anambra State.

In a nod to her exceptional performance, Tansian University's Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eugene Nwadialor, extolled Oluchi's academic prowess, noting the rarity of such stellar accomplishments within Nigerian academia. Sen. Dr. Victor Umeh, Chancellor of the University, echoed these sentiments, hailing Oluchi's unwavering dedication and perseverance in achieving this milestone.

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Associate Professor Nnamdi Umeoduagu, Head of the Microbiology Department, echoed the university's pride in producing a distinguished graduate, commending Oluchi for her outstanding academic feat.

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At the convocation ceremony, Oluchi's remarkable achievement garnered tangible recognition from Chief Emmanuel ‘Bishop’ Okonkwo and Sir Kingsley Udechukwu. Sir Udechukwu bestowed upon her a generous scholarship of One million Naira (N1,000,000), while Chief Okonkwo offered her a scholarship for a Master's Degree program in esteemed universities in the U.K., Canada, or the U.S.A.

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In her valedictory address, Oluchi delivered a stirring message to Nigerian youths, underscoring the transformative power of education in shaping destinies. Expressing gratitude to her support system including parents, university management, and lecturers, she implored fellow youths to embrace education as a catalyst for personal and national advancement, dispelling misconceptions that may hinder their pursuit of knowledge.

Oluchi's trailblazing achievement not only elevates the academic stature of Tansian University but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for current and prospective students, urging them to aspire for greatness in their educational endeavors.