Peter Obi: Saving Nigeria’s Education One Donation at a Time

Peter Obi has been an epitome of benevolence and edu-philanthropy all across the Country. These donations are very pivotal to Nigeria's educational system and should be celebrated more.

Peter Obi: Saving Nigeria’s Education One Donation at a Time

Peter Obi has no doubt been Impactful in recent times in Nigeria's educational system through donations. His edu-philanthropy has spread across various Institutions in different regions of the Country. This is commendable and must be pointed out. His donations are not just a show off of wealth or just a display of personal benevolence aimed at ego aggrandizement. They are timely and aimed at Institutions that direly need them. These Institutions do not just receive his money, they are blessed with the gift of his Presence, which is inspiring. 

It is difficult to place a number on the amount of money that has been donated so far by the Ex Governor and Labour Party Presidential Candidate, but there are reports of him donating 200 Million naira in one week alone. Another reason for the difficulty in gauging the amount of his donations is because his donations have been underreported for the longest time. A whole lot of them were done away from the Media glare. MYSCHOOLNEWS however reported a recent donation of 60 Million Naira to the University of the Niger In Umunya, and Iyienu Nursing College, Ogidi. On the 9th of July, he also donated 10 million naira to the Grimmard Nursing College, Kogi. On June 29th he donated 10 million naira to the Holy Rosary College of Nursing, Emekuku, near Owerri. These are just a few of his educational donations across the Country. 

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Education in Nigeria is bedevilled with a lot of issues that can be millitated against through funding. It is always a breathe of fresh to witness a Politician's commitment to education In a Nation where Educational funds are diverted for personal purses. This is a clarion call for the Government and well meaning Individuals to follow in Obi's footsteps and ensure that Education in Nigeria Improves greatly. 

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