Taraba State University Suspends Activities On It's Facebook Groups

This is to inform students and the general public that Taraba State University Suspends Activities ON IT'S Facebook Groups monitored by myschoolnews

Taraba State University Suspends Activities On It's Facebook Groups


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Following the meeting held on Sunday 30th July,2023 and the resolution reached by the both group admins (Inside tsu and TSU campus update) all posting and sharing of post on the above mentioned platform are hereby suspended , which is with effect from Monday 31th July, 2023 to Wednesday 2nd August, 2023.

This action is taken for better negotiations and understanding and  also address the issue of  religious bigotry and sentimental post in the platform, this platforms were created to promote academic information and give students an avenue for interaction and not for sentimental posts/comments that brings about cyber crisis that might later generate to conflict in the state and probably the country at large. The admins of this prestigious platforms are not given any token for managing the affairs of these  groups . Hence the members should mitigate violations of the community standards.

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We also call on the attention of the Taraba state university Students Union Government (SUG) to address the pressing need to ensure the platform is functioning effectively as well as getting in touch with the administrators of these groups  for the purpose of educational information and upholding academic prosperity.

Any inconveniences this may cause her members/followers is highly regretted.

 signed Administrators