UI Students with Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo Holds Matriculation for Fresh Students

University of Ibadan Students with Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo Holds Matriculation for Freshmen

UI  Students with Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo Holds Matriculation for Fresh Students
The Matriculants

The matriculation ceremony for newly admitted students into the University of Ibadan degree program at the Federal College of Education Special, Oyo, took place on the 6th of November, 2023, at the Tim Obani Hall of the College.

Notable events at the beginning of the program included the procession of the matriculating students and the grand procession of the academic board marching into the hall. The first stanza of the national anthem was sung, followed by the University of Ibadan anthem, and then the Federal College of Education (Special) anthem.

In attendance at the matriculation ceremony were the Provost of the college, Professor Ademola Salami, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan represented by Professor Francis Ofor, Registrar of the University of Ibadan, Deputy Provost of the College, Director of UI degree programme, Deputy Director, among other members of the academic board. 

In the address of the provost of the College, he extended a warm welcome to all, especially the representatives of the vice-chancellor and the parents present at the program. He expressed his confidence in assuring students, parents, and guardians that there is no discrimination in the certificates awarded to students by affiliated campuses. He congratulated parents on the admission of their wards into the college.

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The provost also emphasized, in his address, the importance of adhering to the rules governing academic and social activities. He underlined the college's zero-tolerance policy toward any form of examination misconduct. Additionally, he announced the availability of recreational activities for refreshment after demanding mental work each day.

Sporting activities and contests are also part of the session, among other important information for the students. He reassured the University of Ibadan that only quality education would be provided through this affiliation.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, represented by Professor Francis Ofor in his address delved into the history of the program in the college and highlighted the standards for which the main campus is known.

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The vice-chancellor congratulated the provost of the college on his appointment and expressed gratitude to the director, her deputy director, and everyone in the directorate for their support and the achievements so far.

Addressing the matriculating students, the vice-chancellor emphasized that they should view their admission to the university as a rare opportunity that they must maximize. He provided valuable advice to the students on making the most of their time in school, including the importance of choosing their friends wisely, as they would be accountable for their actions and inactions.

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Following the addresses, the matriculating students recited the matriculation oath. Subsequently, two male students and three female students were asked to sign the matriculation oath and the matriculation ceremony was brought to a close with anthems and procession in a reversed order.