UNIABUJA Alumnus, Alao Dare, Wins Trace Campus Talent Hunt, Receives Brand New Suzuki

UNIABUJA Alumnus, Alao Dare, Wins Trace Campus Talent Hunt, Receives Brand New Suzuki

UNIABUJA Alumnus, Alao Dare, Wins Trace Campus Talent Hunt, Receives Brand New Suzuki

The University of Abuja community is celebrating the achievement of one of its own, Alao Dare, popularly known as Micy D, who has emerged as the winner of the Trace Campus Talent Hunt.

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As part of his prize, Micy D was gifted a brand new Suzuki, solidifying his position as a rising star in the music industry.

Micy D, a graduate of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, honed his musical talent during his time at the University, where he developed a passion for street pop music and indigenous rap. His win is a testament to the diverse talents and abilities of University of Abuja students and alumni.

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In a statement, Micy D expressed his gratitude to his fans, many of whom are students and graduates of the University, saying, "Shout out to my fans, many of whom are the students and graduates of the great UofA." He also shared his aspirations to become a brand that provides solid platforms for those in need, as a way of giving back to society.

The University of Abuja community congratulates Micy D on his achievement and wishes him continued success in his music career.

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