UNIMAID: A Call to Prioritize Health and Safety

UNIMAID: A Call to Prioritize Health and Safety

UNIMAID: A Call to Prioritize Health and Safety

In the wake of the ongoing health concerns affecting our communities, a necessary reminder is being sounded at the University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID).

The call to action is clear: opt for alternative greetings and discourage handshakes at gatherings. The reason behind this advice is the paramount importance of prioritizing everyone's well-being.

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As the saying goes, "Your health is in your hands," and adhering to safe practices during these times is crucial. The act of shaking hands, while a common form of greeting, can inadvertently contribute to the spread of infections or health concerns.

The call to refrain from handshakes is also extended to considerations of personal security. A stern reminder urges individuals to check their account balances regularly to ensure proper safety. This measure is proposed to protect against potential financial vulnerabilities.

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In a related matter, it is reported that law enforcement has successfully apprehended an individual alleged to be an "Account Balance snatcher" in Bauchi state. The suspect is currently in the custody of the State Criminal Investigation Department (C.I.D) for investigation.

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The message is clear: health and safety must be the top priorities in the face of current concerns. By avoiding handshakes, practicing good hygiene, and safeguarding financial well-being, individuals and communities can work together to protect themselves and others.