UNN Announces Details for CED 341 Entrepreneurship Exam

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, will hold the CED 341 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship) exam on Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Students must arrive by 7:30 AM with their school ID, a signed identification letter from their Head of Department, and a course registration printout.

UNN Announces Details for CED 341 Entrepreneurship Exam
University of Nigeria, Nsukka

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, has released important information regarding the upcoming CED 341 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship) examination. The test is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM across both university campuses.

Students are required to arrive at the examination venue by 7:30 AM and must bring their school ID cards or a letter of identification signed by their Head of Department. Additionally, they should present a printout of their course registration. The detailed examination batching and venue assignments are listed below.

Examination Venues and Batching:

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  1. University Library (Nnamdi Azikiwe Library):

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    • Batch 1: Political Science, Public Administration & Local Government/Affiliates, Mass Communication, Educational Foundations
    • Batch 2: Arts Education, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Home Science Management, Social Work
    • Batch 3: History and International Studies, Nutrition & Dietetics, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Combined Social Science, Social Science Education
    • Batch 4: Computer/Statistics, Economics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Psychology, Metallurgical and Material Engineering
    • Batch 5: Pharmacy, Philosophy, Sociology/Anthropology, Theatre and Film Studies, Archaeology and Tourism
    • Batch 6: Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering, Biochemistry
    • Batch 7: Agricultural Extension, Animal Science, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education, Computer Education, Crop Science
    • Batch 8: Business Education, Food Science and Technology, Foreign Languages and Literature, Fine and Applied Arts, Geography, Health and Physical Education, Geology
    • Batch 9: Religion, Linguistics, Zoology, Science Lab, Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing & Medical Lab & Others from Enugu Campus
    • Mop Up: Additional sessions for those needing to make up missed exam

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    • Centre for Distance Learning (CEDEL):

      • Batch 1B: Combined Biological Science
      • Batch 2B: Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies, Microbiology
      • Batch 3B: Soil Science, Science Education, Veterinary Medicine
      • Batch 4B: Plant Science & Biotechnology, English and Literary Studies
      • Batch 5B: Aquaculture and Marine, Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering
      • Batch 6B: Statistics, Music, Genetic and Molecular Biology, Combined Physical Sciences, Pure and Industrial Chemistry
      • Batch 7B: Mathematics, Industrial Technical Education, Home Economics Education, Library and Information Science, Physics and Astronomy
      • Mop Up: Additional sessions for those needing to make up missed exams

Students are strictly prohibited from bringing electronic devices into the examination rooms, including mobile phones, calculators, and recording devices. Violations will result in sanctions. Any student experiencing technical difficulties should notify invigilators immediately but should be prepared to shut down their system or close their browser to avoid losing exam time if assistance is delayed.

Students whose biometric data was not captured will be barred from participating in the examination.