Young Prodigy Unveils New Mathematics Formula: 12-Year-Old British Nigerian Scholar Honored

12-year-old Chika Ofili, a British Nigerian boy born in London, has earned international recognition as one of the world's youngest mathematics scholars. His achievement comes on the heels of discovering a groundbreaking new mathematical formula that simplifies various division problems.

Young Prodigy Unveils New Mathematics Formula: 12-Year-Old British Nigerian Scholar Honored

In a remarkable display of mathematical prowess, 12-year-old Chika Ofili, a British Nigerian boy born in London, has earned international recognition as one of the world's youngest mathematics scholars. His achievement comes on the heels of discovering a groundbreaking new mathematical formula that simplifies various division problems.

Chika, currently based in the UK, recently received the prestigious TruLittle Hero Awards for his outstanding contribution to mathematics. The young scholar attended Westminster Under School in London, where his journey into the world of groundbreaking mathematics began.

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Miss Mary Ellis, Chika's mathematics teacher and the head of the mathematics department at Westminster Under School, played a pivotal role in his discovery. During a break, she handed him a book titled "First Steps for Problem Solvers," sparking the young prodigy's curiosity.

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While studying the book over the holidays, Chika noticed a gap in divisibility tests, specifically for the number 7. Undeterred, he took it upon himself to fill this void and, astonishingly, uncovered a new formula. This formula involves multiplying the last digit of any whole number by 5 and adding it to the remaining part of the number. If the resulting number is divisible by 7, then the original number is also divisible by 7.

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Chika's breakthrough came with an algebraic proof, showcasing the depth of his understanding and analytical skills. His innovative approach to problem-solving earned him accolades and the TruLittle Hero Award, marking him as one of the youngest mathematics scholars globally.

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Chika Ofili's story serves as an inspiration, underscoring the immense potential that young minds possess to make meaningful contributions to the world of academia. His discovery not only adds a valuable tool to mathematical problem-solving but also highlights the importance of nurturing and supporting the intellectual curiosity of young learners.