ERC Demands Reopening of Michael Okpara University and Fee Hike Reversal

Education Rights Campaign (ERC) demands immediate reopening of Michael Okpara University (MOUAU) and reversal of fee hike, citing challenges for students from poor backgrounds and alleging corruption.

ERC Demands Reopening of Michael Okpara University and Fee Hike Reversal

The Education Rights Campaign (ERC) has issued a strong demand for the immediate reopening of the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU) and a reversal of the recent fee hike imposed by the university's administration. The call comes in response to the closure of the institution following widespread student protests against the fee increment.

The ERC, representing the interests of students, particularly those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, has condemned the university's decision to shut down in response to the protests. Emphasizing the hardships faced by students from poor and working-class families, the group underscores the need for urgent action to address the issue.

SEE: MOAU Engulfed in N12 Billion Corruption Scandal

In addition to demanding the reopening of MOUAU, the ERC has called for a thorough investigation into the actions of university administrators. Allegations of potential corruption and mismanagement of funds have surfaced, prompting the ERC to urge authorities to scrutinize the financial practices of the institution.

READ: Four Students Feared Dead from Unrest at MOAU Protest

The demand for fee hike reversal at MOUAU reflects broader concerns about rising tuition fees across Nigerian public universities. Many institutions have implemented substantial fee increases, some exceeding 100%, citing escalating maintenance costs and reduced government funding.

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Despite assurances from the Nigerian government that universities remain tuition-free, students are increasingly burdened by additional charges. The ERC's advocacy underscores the urgent need for transparency and accountability in higher education financing, particularly in addressing the socio-economic impact of fee hikes on students and their families.

As the debate over university fees continues to unfold, stakeholders are urged to prioritize the interests of students and ensure access to affordable education for all.