Federal University Kashere Extends Registration Deadline: Portal Reopened

Federal University Kashere Extends Registration Deadline: Portal Reopened

Federal University Kashere Extends Registration Deadline: Portal Reopened

Federal University Kashere is pleased to announce important updates regarding the ongoing student registration process.

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Responding to the collective requests and considerations of our valued students, the University Administration has made a significant decision to extend the registration deadline.

In an effort to accommodate all students and ensure a smooth registration process, the registration deadline has been extended to January 12th, 2024. This extension provides an additional window of opportunity for students to complete their registration for the current semester.

BASHEER QUDUS ADEBAYO, Students' Academic Director for the Faculty of Humanities, highlighted the importance of this extension in facilitating a seamless registration experience for all students. The decision to extend the deadline is aimed at alleviating any potential registration challenges and ensuring that every student has sufficient time to complete their enrollment.

The university registration portal has been reopened to facilitate the extended registration period. The portal will remain accessible until the revised deadline, allowing students to finalize their enrollment procedures without any rush or inconvenience.

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All students are strongly encouraged to take full advantage of this extension and promptly complete their registration within the provided timeframe. This extended deadline is a testament to the University's commitment to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to enroll for the semester without any undue pressure or limitations.

The Federal University Kashere administration values the academic progress and welfare of its students and remains committed to providing support and opportunities for their success.

For any further inquiries or assistance regarding the registration process, students are advised to contact their respective academic departments or faculty offices.

We wish all students a successful and productive semester ahead!