Federal University of Technology, Babura Releases Important Notice for Admitted Students

Important Notice for Incoming Students of Federal University of Technology, Babura

Federal University of Technology, Babura Releases Important Notice for Admitted Students

As you embark on this exciting journey of academic pursuit at FUT Babura, allow me to offer valuable advice regarding accommodation and registration processes.

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Upon receiving your admission, I strongly advise arriving early for registration. It is crucial, especially for male students, to consider residing in the hostel facilities provided by the university during the registration period. Please note that the girls' hostel is not located on campus, and this information might not be widely known.


This year, FUT Babura will admit a substantial number of candidates for both Direct Entry (D.E) and Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (U.T.M.E) programs. Securing accommodation in the hostel during registration is highly recommended to avoid complications later.


Furthermore, the central registration fees can be paid in two installments, providing some flexibility for students.

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It's imperative to highlight that relying solely on daily transportation, such as using keke Napep, may not be sustainable for your academic journey. Consider the financial implications and the practicality of this mode of transportation. Remember, managing your resources wisely is essential throughout your academic tenure.


Regarding off-campus housing, it's crucial to note that many pioneer students have already secured accommodation outside the hostel premises. However, available rental properties near the school are limited.


For female students, rest assured that the school management will make arrangements for transportation from the hostel to the school premises and vice versa, ensuring a safe and convenient commute.


In conclusion, I strongly encourage all incoming students, particularly male candidates, to prioritize early hostel registration, as it provides a conducive environment for academic focus and ease of access to campus facilities.


Wishing you all a successful academic journey at FUT Babura!