FUTA Alumnus, Charity Asikhia, Earns PhD in Medicine from University of Ottawa

Charity Asikhia, an alumnus of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), recently achieved his PhD in Medicine from the University of Ottawa, Canada.

FUTA Alumnus, Charity Asikhia, Earns PhD in Medicine from University of Ottawa

Charity Asikhia, a distinguished alumnus of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining his PhD in Medicine from the University of Ottawa, Canada. His academic journey, which began at FUTA's Department of Biochemistry in the class of 2015, has culminated in the successful defense of his doctoral thesis in 2024.

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Asikhia's research focused on the protein PCSK9 and its implications for cardiovascular health. His thesis titled, "Exploring Alternate Conformations of PCSK9: Effects on LDL, LDL Receptor Binding, and Inflammation," delved deep into understanding how PCSK9 influences LDL-cholesterol levels and its role in cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis.

Prior to pursuing his PhD, Asikhia completed coursework for a Master of Science in Medicine at the University of Ottawa, where he expedited his academic progress by transitioning to the PhD program ahead of schedule. This decision underscored his dedication and resilience in advancing his research career.

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Before his tenure in Ottawa, Asikhia gained valuable experience as a medical supply intern at the Finnish Red Cross and served as a laboratory technician at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus. His adaptability was evident in mastering the Finnish language within a year, reflecting his ability to embrace new challenges.

Throughout his academic journey, Asikhia acknowledged the pivotal role played by his mentor and former supervisor, Professor Ola Salawu, at FUTA. Professor Salawu's unwavering support and guidance were instrumental in shaping Asikhia's academic trajectory and professional development.

Currently, Asikhia contributes to an AI company, specializing in Molecular Biology and Genetics. Despite his career pursuits, he continues to benefit from Professor Salawu's mentorship and support.

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Asikhia's achievements stand as a testament to the quality education and mentorship offered at FUTA, preparing students like him for global academic excellence and professional success.