FUTA Holds Matriculation for Pioneer Open and Distance Learning Students

The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) celebrated a historic moment with the matriculation of its first cohort of students in the Open and Distance Learning Programme (ODLP), specifically in Computer Science

FUTA Holds Matriculation for Pioneer Open and Distance Learning Students

The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) marked a historic milestone with the matriculation of its pioneer students in the Open and Distance Learning Programme (ODLP). The event, presided over by Vice Chancellor Prof. Adenike Oladiji, welcomed 38 students into the Computer Science programme administered by the centre.

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In her address, Prof. Oladiji emphasized the significance of the occasion, describing it as a pivotal moment that extends the university’s educational reach. She highlighted FUTA’s commitment to making knowledge accessible and assured the students of quality learning, citing the institution's longstanding reputation as Nigeria's premier university of technology.

The Vice Chancellor encouraged the matriculating students to seize the opportunities offered by the ODLP, emphasizing the transformative role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in today’s society. She urged them to maintain focus and assured them that success was attainable within the programme.

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While acknowledging the hybrid nature of the ODLP—combining physical and virtual interactions—Prof. Oladiji reassured students that their certificates would hold the same value as those awarded to traditional, physically present students. She advised them to manage their expectations realistically and encouraged mutual understanding in their interactions with university management.

Special commendation was reserved for Prof. Felix Alao, the Director of ODLP, for his leadership and dedication to the programme’s success.

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The matriculation ceremony underscored FUTA’s commitment to innovation in education and its mission to provide flexible learning opportunities aligned with global standards.