Hussaini Ali Polytechnic Honors Dr. Babangida Hussaini with Merit Award

Hussaini Ali Polytechnic Honors Dr. Babangida Hussaini with Merit Award

Hussaini Ali Polytechnic Honors Dr. Babangida Hussaini with Merit Award

The management and staff of Hussaini Ali Polytechnic Kazaure have conferred a merit award on Alh Dr. Babangida Hussaini, the Wali of Kazaure, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of the institution.

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The award was presented during the graduation and convocation lecture held at the Federal Polytechnic Kazaure, where Professor Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami) delivered a keynote address on the importance of upskilling, cross-skilling, and reskilling in both human and technical skills.

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The award acknowledges Alh Dr. Babangida Hussaini's dedication and commitment to the growth and progress of HAFED Polytechnic Kazaure, and serves as a testament to his tireless efforts in promoting education and development in the region.

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