Kano Government Sets Up Committee to Investigate Mass Failure in Secondary School Qualifying Exam

The committee's mandate includes assessing the extent and causes of the failure, evaluating compliance with established procedures for releasing results, and recommending measures to improve future examinations.

Kano Government Sets Up Committee to Investigate Mass Failure in Secondary School Qualifying Exam

The government of Kano State has initiated an investigation into the widespread failure observed in the recently concluded qualifying examinations for senior secondary schools across the state. Balarabe Kiru, the director of public enlightenment at the state’s ministry of education, confirmed this development in a statement on Wednesday.

The committee's mandate includes assessing the extent and causes of the failure, evaluating compliance with established procedures for releasing results, and recommending measures to improve future examinations. Tajuddeen Gambo, the special adviser to the governor on education, will lead the committee.

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Members of the committee comprise key stakeholders from educational boards and departments within the state. They are tasked with submitting their report within one week. This initiative Facilitates the government's commitment to ensuring quality education and addressing challenges within the educational system.