KASU releases updated second semester Academic Calendar 2022/2023

The management of Kaduna state University has released the updated academic calendar for the second semester 2022/2023 session monitored by myschoolnews

KASU releases updated second semester Academic Calendar 2022/2023

The management of Kaduna state University has released the updated academic calendar for the second semester 2022/2023 session. The details of the calendar is highlighted below;

10th July-23rd Oct., 2023 - Lectures for all Students/CA

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KASU updated second semester Academic Calendar 2022/2023

16th-20th August, 2023 - Mid-Semester Break/ADD AND DROP of Course

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2nd August-28th September 2023- Lectures continue for all Students/CA

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16th October - 3rd November, 2023 - Examination and Marking

6th-10th November, 2023 - Processing of Results

4th December 2023 - Release of Results/Sale of Change of Course Form