Multimedia Instructional Resources for Effective Library User Education Programme In Universities In North-Central, Nigeria
University is basically defined as institution of higher learning devoted to teaching, learning and research activities; covering wide arrays of academic disciplines and awarding degrees, certificates and diplomas as the case may be, to postgraduates, undergraduates and other students at the completion of their academic programmes. Universities can be referred to as the apex institutions of higher in the acquisition and communication knowledge and also a citadel of learning that offers wider academic programmes

University is basically defined as institution of higher learning devoted to teaching, learning and research activities; covering wide arrays of academic disciplines and awarding degrees, certificates and diplomas as the case may be, to postgraduates, undergraduates and other students at the completion of their academic programmes. Universities can be referred to as the apex institutions of higher in the acquisition and communication knowledge and also a citadel of learning that offers wider academic programmes.
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Ifidon (1998) posits that universities are established for four related purposes of teaching, learning, and research and community/public service. Nigerian universities education is concerned with building strong society and enhancing national development.
Peretomode (2008) states that University education helps the students to improve their frontier of knowledge and understanding by preparing them to cope with all the major aspects and questions of human existence both personal and social; it provides an ethical education to graduates who are not just thinking creatures but the ones that know the differences between right and wrong etc. Quoting Federal Government of Nigerian National Policy on Education,
Peretomode (2008) identifies the followings goals and objectives of university education in Nigeria:
To contribute to the national development through high level relevant manpower
training;to develop and inculcate proper value for the survival of the individual
and society; to develop the intellectual capability of individual to understand and
appreciate their local and external environments; to acquire both physical and
intellectual skills which will enable individuals to be self-reliant and useful
members of the society; to promote and encourage scholarship and community
service; to forge and cement national unity; to promote national and international understanding and interaction; to the acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value orientation for the survival of individuals and society; to the development of the intellectual capacities of individuals and society; to the acquisition of both physical and intellectual skills to enable individuals to develop into useful members of thecommunity; to acquire an objective view of local andexternal environment; to promote and encourage scholarship and research; to make optimum contribution of graduates to national unity and envelopment and to provide qualitative education for students leading to development of human minds, social-cultural and economic values of the nationAchieving the goals and objectives highlighted above becomes almost impossible withoutfunctional University libraries. The library is a driver of knowledge and the. gateway through which goals and objectives of the university are assured.Anyim (2017) views university library as an intellectual resource centre of the university established to play a supportive role of enhancing knowledge frontier of students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the university. In order to ensure effective aviation and exploitation of information resources in the library by the users without being stranded when live arians are not available for assistance, the university library introduced library user education programmes. These programmes are designed to teach library users the skills of searching, evaluating and retrieving information in the traditional and electronic library environment.User education programmes are called several names by different people. Some call it use of library, reader instruction, reader education, library use education, user instruction, library orientation, bibliographic instruction and information literacy. Whatsoever name library user education is referred to,Harold's Glossary for librarians (2000) defines it as a programme of information provided by librarians to enable users to make more efficient and independent use of the library's resources and services.
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However, various instructional modes have been used to teach library user education right from the time the programme was introduced in the Nigerian universities. Studies revealed that traditional teaching methods have existed so long and have been predominantly used in user education programme. This method of instruction must have contributed a lot in the past as
Information Communication technologies have not taken over virtually every aspect of human endeavour.
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