NAPSS UNIMAID Chapter Congratulates Hafiz Mohammed Bello on SUG Presidency

NAPSS UNIMAID Chapter Congratulates Hafiz Mohammed Bello on SUG Presidency

NAPSS UNIMAID Chapter Congratulates Hafiz Mohammed Bello on SUG Presidency

The Nigerian Association of Physical Science Students (NAPSS), University of Maiduguri Chapter, extends its warmest congratulations to Hafiz Mohammed Bello on his election as the Student Union Government (SUG) President.

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In a statement signed by Comrade Umar Alh. Gana, President of NAPSS, the association praised Bello's dedication to students' welfare and his productive tenure as Vice President of NAPSS. The faculty of Physical Science is delighted to have its first SUG President, and NAPSS is grateful for Bello's selfless service.

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The association wishes Bello a successful tenure, filled with blessings and prosperity, and offers its support in his new role.


NAPSS, University of Maiduguri


Phone: +234 706 503 8013, +234 812 229 0366

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