Nnamdi Azikiwe Student Who Sold Bean Cakes to Fund Her Education Graduates as First in Family to Earn Degree

Following in her mother’s footsteps, she started selling akara with an initial capital of 20,000 naira. The business grew, enabling her to support herself and eventually secure admission to the university.

Nnamdi Azikiwe Student Who Sold Bean Cakes to Fund Her Education Graduates as First in Family to Earn Degree

In a remarkable achievement, Jideobi Amaka, a Nigerian woman who sold bean cakes (akara) to fund her education, has graduated from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, becoming the first in her family to earn a university degree.

Amaka earned her bachelor’s degree in Guidance and Counselling from the prestigious Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria. She shared her inspiring journey on LinkedIn, detailing her struggle and triumph in balancing her business and academic responsibilities.

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After high school, Amaka moved from her village to seek better opportunities but was unable to secure a job. Following in her mother’s footsteps, she started selling akara with an initial capital of 20,000 naira. The business grew, enabling her to support herself and eventually secure admission to the university.

Despite the challenges of juggling her full-time business with her studies, Amaka persevered. Over the past five years, the income from her akara business has funded not only her education but also sustained her livelihood.

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Expressing her joy, Amaka stated, “My five years of selling akara to send myself through school wasn’t in vain. This is my biggest flex, my greatest achievement. I will keep celebrating this because it’s worth it.”

Amaka’s accomplishment has fulfilled a promise to her parents and marked a historic moment as she becomes the first university graduate in her family. She extended her gratitude to God, her customers, and everyone who supported her throughout her academic journey.