Ojukwu University Advances International Collaborations with University of Lincoln

Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) advances internationalization goals with strategic collaboration, focusing on research and student exchanges.

Ojukwu University Advances International Collaborations with University of Lincoln
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU)

Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) continues to bolster its global presence through strategic partnerships, marking significant progress in its internationalization agenda. Recently, on Friday, 14th June 2024, a delegation from the University of Lincoln engaged with COOU officials in Abuja, Nigeria, underlining their commitment to collaborative efforts.

Representing the Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kate Azuka Omenugha, Prof. Ngozi Joe-Ikechebelu, Head of Linkages and International Collaborations, led discussions with Prof. David Rugara and Prof. Paul Igwe from Lincoln’s Business School and Innovation Unit respectively. This meeting builds on COOU’s earlier initiative when Prof. Omenugha visited Lincoln on 23rd April 2024 to explore avenues for mutual cooperation.

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The discussions highlighted two primary models for collaboration between COOU and the University of Lincoln:

1. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) for Transnational Education (TNE): Emphasizing a pilot study approach or self-generated deans and disciplines within specific areas.

2. Capacity Building in Doctoral Research: Focused on young scholars engaging in community-based participatory research (CBPR) with marginalized groups like women and girls. This interdisciplinary approach spans heritage, health, agricultural technology, food manufacturing, and climate change.

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The ongoing dialogue sets the stage for enhanced academic exchange and research synergy between COOU and Lincoln, aligned with Nigeria’s educational advancement objectives. The collaboration underscores COOU’s commitment to innovation and inclusivity in higher education, paving the way for transformative impacts across disciplines.

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As COOU positions itself as 'The Now University and of the Future,' these developments exemplify its dedication to fostering global competencies and addressing societal challenges through robust international partnerships. Stay tuned as COOU continues to drive innovation and excellence in education. 

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