President Tinubu Vows to Create 40 Million Jobs in Four Years at Unizik Convocation Ceremony

At the UNIZIK 18th Convocation, President Tinubu unveils LEEP, aiming to generate 40 million jobs in his tenure, emphasizing education-labor market synergy.

President Tinubu Vows to Create 40 Million Jobs in Four Years at Unizik Convocation Ceremony
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

In a groundbreaking announcement at the 18th Convocation ceremony of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Unizik) in Awka, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu declared his ambitious plan to generate a staggering 40 million jobs within his four-year tenure. This monumental initiative, named the Labour and Empowerment Enhancement Programme (LEEP), aims to revolutionize Nigeria's employment landscape.

Represented by the Director of Tertiary Education in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Rekia Iliasu, President Tinubu outlined the strategic framework of LEEP, highlighting its focus on creating 10 million jobs annually through innovative approaches. These include digital skills initiatives, vocational entrepreneurial skills programs, infrastructure enhancements, and the establishment of the National Electronic Labour Exchange (NELEX).

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President Tinubu emphasized the interconnectedness of education and the labor market, stressing the imperative of aligning educational outcomes with industry demands. He underscored LEEP's commitment to equipping Nigerian youth with the requisite skills and opportunities for both employment and self-employment, thereby fostering sustainable economic growth.

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Furthermore, the outgoing Vice Chancellor of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Prof. Charles Okechekwu Esimone, provided insights into the university's achievements under his leadership. Notably, he revealed that a total of 7,033 students are graduating with various degrees and diplomas, while highlighting infrastructural projects totaling over N60 billion executed during his tenure.

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This landmark announcement by President Tinubu underscores his administration's dedication to tackling unemployment and fostering socioeconomic development. With the promise of 40 million new jobs, Nigeria stands poised to witness a transformative era of prosperity and opportunity.

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