UNICAL 125TH Inaugural Lecture: Expert Advocates Early Intervention and Lifestyle Changes as Solutions for Heart Failure

Urge the Government to make funding available for research

UNICAL 125TH Inaugural Lecture: Expert Advocates Early Intervention and Lifestyle Changes as Solutions for Heart Failure

The 125 inaugural lecturer of the University of Calabar,(Unical) Prof. Victor Okon Ansa has advocated early intervention, Lifestyle Changes among others as solutions for heart failure, urging the Government to make funding available for research.

Prof. Victor Ansa stated this at the institution's International Conference Centre while delivering the institution's inaugural lecture on the topic; "In Matters of the Heart, All Hearts Matter "Cardiac Dropsy" (Heart Failure) On the Prowl: A Wake-Up Call To Keep The Heart Healthy".

Prof Ansa said prevention of heart failure can be achieved by early control of the modifiable traditional risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, taking excessive amounts of alcohol and obesity adding that some of the cardiovascular risk factors such as age, race and gender of individuals which are not modifiable cannot be directly altered to influence morbidity and mortality from Cardiovascular diseases.

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He stated that prevention is key as heart failure affects people of all ages, gender,

socioeconomic status, races and even pregnant women. 

While describing heart Failure as deadly as Cancer, he said the treatment of heart failure is not always effective in prolonging life stressing that prevention should be prioritized.

This is even as he informed that people with diseases or conditions that predispose them to Heart failure such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases and high cholesterol levels are particularly at risk.

Victor Ansa, a Professor of Medicine and Consultant Cardiologist further said control of hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes can be achieved by the reduction of consumption of salt, refined sugar and saturated fat.


To this end,the University Don said health professionals across disciplines should be trained to identify the clinical features of heart failure early to initiate treatment or referral, maintaining that the campaign for lifestyle changes like encouraging exercise, smoking cessation and

reduction of alcohol consumption should be sustained.

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The inaugural lecturer said the government should make funding research in heart failure a priority, noting that funding will improve understanding of people's condition, particularly its

changing clinical profile, advances in treatment and new approaches to prevention.

He also called for the establishment of Specialized Cardiac Centers providing subsidized access to non-invasive and invasive interventions and corrective surgeries.

In her remarks, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, Prof. Florence Obi, praised the inaugural lecturer, Prof. Victor Ansa's contributions to the cardiology field and commended his advocacy for heart health awareness.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, Prof Florence Obi described the lecture as thrilling, beneficial, educative and instructive as staff and students were now well informed and would be careful with their choices.

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Prof Florence Obi said in response to the issue of “essential hypertension” raised by the Lecturer as being common among the young populace, she promised to provide a space in the Medical Centre for students to be given urgent and special attention.