UNILORIN Students Shine on the Global Stage

UNILORIN Students Shine on the Global Stage!

UNILORIN Students Shine on the Global Stage

The University of Ilorin is proud to announce that its students have made a remarkable impact on the global stage through their participation in the X-Culture program 2024-1B.

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These outstanding students collaborated with peers worldwide to address real-world challenges faced by companies, showcasing their exceptional problem-solving skills and dedication.

In recognition of their achievements, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Wahab Egbewole, SAN, presented certificates to each X-Culture graduate during a ceremony at the University Auditorium on Monday, May 27, 2024. The graduands shared their experiences, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

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The Centre for International Education highlighted the significance of X-Culture in fostering global collaboration and problem-solving in finance, academics, and beyond. The centre is now seeking passionate academic staff and students to join the next X-Culture program.

Congratulations to our talented students on this outstanding achievement! We are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to seeing more of our students excel on the global stage.

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