UNILORIN VC Shows Support for Performing Arts Students

UNILORIN VC Shows Support for Performing Arts Students

UNILORIN VC Shows Support for Performing Arts Students

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Prof. Wahab Egbewole, SAN, demonstrated his commitment to the arts by attending a captivating stage play, AGUDUA, at the Performing Arts Theatre.

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The event showcased the talents of PFA 499 students, and the Vice Chancellor was joined by other university leaders in showing their support.

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The performance marked the beginning of an exciting series of plays, with upcoming shows scheduled to start at 4PM. The university community and the general public are invited to visit the Performing Arts Theatre to witness the creativity and talent of UNILORIN students.

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The Vice Chancellor's support for the arts reflects the university's dedication to fostering a well-rounded education and promoting student creativity and innovation.