ABSU Press Club Inaugurates New Executives

Abia State University's Press Club inaugurated its new executive team, pledging to redefine campus journalism with innovative initiatives and a focus on highlighting ABSU's achievements.

ABSU Press Club Inaugurates New Executives

The Press Club of Abia State University (ABSU) celebrated a momentous occasion on Saturday with the inauguration of its new executive team. The event, attended by esteemed guests including SUG PRO Comr. Ohanusi Victor and dignitaries like Kalu Victor, marked a promising start for the newly appointed leaders.

In an inspiring address, SUG PRO Comr. Ohanusi Victor urged the newly inaugurated executives to maintain dedication in their roles. President Blessed Pen affirmed the Press Club's commitment to fostering close collaboration with the SUG PRO and the entire ABSU community. She emphasized the club's mission to highlight the university's achievements and positive stories, ensuring a focus on excellence.

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The newly inaugurated executives are: 

- Blessed Pen - President

- Alozie Donaldluke - Vice President

- Rita Ogechi - Secretary General

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- Ugwuzo Faith Makochi - Assistant Secretary General

- Onyemauwa Chiamaka Favour - Financial Secretary

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- God’swill Chukwuemeka - Public Relations Officer

This dynamic team aims to introduce innovative initiatives and dynamic storytelling, with a shared vision to redefine campus journalism and celebrate ABSU's spirit and achievements.

Press Club PRO Comr. God’swill Chukwuemeka expressed optimism about the team's ability to deliver impactful initiatives and uphold the highest standards of journalism at ABSU.

For further information or media inquiries, please contact Comr. God’swill Chukwuemeka at 07034388968.

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