FCE OYO Student, Miss Deaf Queen Seeks Support to Brighten Deaf Children's Futures in Nigeria

Miss Deaf Queen Seeks Assistance For Deaf Children

FCE OYO Student, Miss Deaf Queen Seeks Support to Brighten Deaf Children's Futures in Nigeria
Miss Deaf Queen, Lawal Olamide

Miss Lawal Olamide Sukurat, the Reigning Miss Deaf Queen of Nigeria and a student at the Federal College of Education (Special) in Oyo State, is taking her mission to the digital stage, seeking aid for Deaf children in various communities.

Through a heartfelt video posted on her Facebook page under the username 'Itz Pretty Olamide,' Miss Lawal shares her vision of securing donations to enrich the lives of Deaf children. Her objective is to introduce them to engaging activities like Ludo and nurture their creativity through drawing. She also aims to sponsor their education, acknowledging the educational gaps often faced by Deaf children with hearing parents. In the video, Miss Lawal passionately conveys her message through sign language, making a profound impact on her viewers.

Miss Lawal's ultimate aspiration is to inspire Deaf children to dream big, encouraging them to pursue various careers, from being a Miss Queen to artists, sponsors, bankers, doctors, and more. She earnestly appeals for support from the community to realize this noble mission.

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For generous donors, Miss Lawal plans to express her deep appreciation by prominently acknowledging them on a banner. Following the Talent Day event scheduled for November 24, 2023, she intends to provide concrete evidence of the positive impact of their support through pictures, videos, and live updates on social media.

Miss Lawal

To achieve their goal, Miss Lawal and the Deaf children require a total of ###665,000 Nigerian Naira, which is approximately equivalent to $$$700 US Dollars.

For your convenience, here are her banking details:

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1) First Name: Lawal

2) Surname: Olamide Sukurat

3) Bank Name: GTBank

4) Bank Account: 0637822812

5) Phone Number: +234704 407 6667

6) Location: Nigeria

7) Email: itzprettyolamide@gmail.com

Miss Lawal extends her heartfelt gratitude to those who took the time to watch her message and passionately urges individuals to support the program. Together, they can illuminate a brighter future for Deaf children, empowering them to chase their dreams.