School of Arts and Social Sciences FCE Oyo Organizes Capacity-building Workshop
School of Arts and Social sciences FCE Oyo organizes capacity-building workshop for academic and administration staff.

School of Arts and Social sciences FCE Oyo organizes capacity-building workshop for academic and administration staff.
The Provost, Dr. Ademola Rauf Salami has said that "training is essential because both academic and administrative knowledge are needed to perform our various duties".
The Provost made this assertion at a one day Capacity building workshop, recently organized by the School of Arts and Social Sciences at the New Economics Hall. According to the Provost, workshops are needed and essential in an academic environment. He also said that his administration will scout for Staff that are adequately equipped with relevant skills for appointment into various offices.
He used the opportunity to congratulate the Dean and Staff of Arts and Social Sciences for being the first school to organize a workshop that he would attend in his capacity as the Provost of the College. Dr. Salami urged other schools to emulate this laudable feat achieved by the school by organizing workshops that will position Staff for greater productivity and efficiency.
He concluded by soliciting Staff support for his administration and thereafter declared the workshop opened.
The Dean of the School, Dr. Oluyemisi A. Adegbite in her address assured participants that the workshop was well packaged considering the reservoir of knowledge and wealth of experiences of the resource persons. She also expressed her gladness at the turnout of participants which according to her, was testimonial to the quest for knowledge by Staff.
The two pronged capacity building had Prof. R. I. Adebayo, Provost, Federal College of Education, Iwo, who spoke on: Academic Publishing Trends, Access and Participation Towards Proficiency, where he gave research tips for researchers, while Mrs. A. A. Adeniyi, a Deputy Registrar at the Osun State College of Education delivered a paper titled Officiality, Interconnectivity and Institutional Human Relations in the Workplace, where she emphasized the need for teamwork, collaboration, cultivate a positive work culture, establish clear official structure as salient ingredients for productivity and achievement of organisational goals and objectives.
The workshop had in attendance the Registrar, Mr. Joseph. A. Araoye, Deputy Provost, Dr. B.A. Adebiyi, College Librarian , Mrs. A.O. Imam, Chairman Committee of Deans, Dr. O.O. Adeniyi, Deans of Schools, Directors of Academic programmes, Staff members and Participants drawn from across the nation.
MySchoolNews reporting.