NUBASS ATBU Chapter Leadership Pays Familiarization Visit to School Management

NUBASS ATBU Chapter Leadership Pays Familiarization Visit to School Management

NUBASS ATBU Chapter Leadership Pays Familiarization Visit to School Management

 On Monday,20 of may 2024, the leadership of the National Union of Bauchi State Students (NUBASS) ATBU chapter paid a familiarization visit to the management of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU).

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During the visit, the NUBASS leadership met with top management staff, including the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Chief Librarian, Acting Bursar, Registrar, Chief Security Officer, Life Patron, and all faculty deans.

The meeting focused on crucial matters related to enhancing service delivery to the entire student body and the university community at large. Key issues discussed included security concerns, which the NUBASS leadership emphasized as a pressing matter.

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The university management assured the NUBASS leadership of their full commitment and support in addressing these concerns, particularly the security program currently being worked on by the union's leadership.

This visit marks a significant step in fostering a collaborative relationship between the student union and university management, aimed at promoting a conducive learning environment and improving overall student experience.

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