Prof Yerima of BUK Geology Dept. Appointed Vice President West Africa of African Geothermal Association

I n a l e t t e r w i t h r e f n u m b e r : AGA/2023/PF/Pao, dated 2nd October, 2023 and signed by the President of the association, Dr. Peter A. Omenda, Professor Yerima's appointment took effect immediately.

Prof Yerima of BUK Geology Dept. Appointed Vice President West Africa of African Geothermal Association

Professor M.K Yerima of the Geology Department, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bayero University, Kano has been appointed as the Vice President of West African Geothermal Association (AGA).

I n a l e t t e r w i t h r e f n u m b e r : AGA/2023/PF/Pao, dated 2nd October, 2023 and signed by the President of the association, Dr. Peter A. Omenda, Professor Yerima's appointment took effect immediately.

M.K Yerima is a Professor of Geology with specialization in geothermic/renewable energy. He has published several peer reviews papers both locally and internationally and has attended several local and internal conferences.

His current research focuses on harnessing the geothermal potential of some abandoned oil wells in Nigerian Sector of the Chad Basin for sustainable power generation. Prior to the appointment, he was the national vice president of the geothermal association of Nigeria.

The AGA is an association of geothermal professionals with the mission of promoting the utilization of geothermal resources for sustainable development in the context of low carbon, efficient and climate resilient energy systems in Africa and beyond.