Results of the entrance examinations for Command Secondary Schools in the academic year 2023/2024

Stay updated with MySchoolNews: Command Secondary Schools Entrance Exam Results for the academic session 2023/2024 are out

Results of the entrance examinations for Command Secondary Schools in the academic year 2023/2024

I am directed to inform you that the result of Common Entrance Examination for admission into Junior Schools (JSS1) in Command Secondary Schools for 2023/2024 academic session which was held on Saturday has been released.

The result of the Common Entrance Examination for admission into Junior Secondary Schools (JSS1) in Command Secondary Schools for the 2023/2024 Academic Session which was held on Saturday 17th June, 2023 has been released. 

Candidates are advised to check their various schools of choice, Divs Edn or DCSS website address for more information on the interview.