UI Reinforces Commitment to Holistic Education During Visit by German Parliamentarian

During a recent visit by a member of the German Federal Parliament to the University of Ibadan (UI), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Professor Aderonke Baiyeroju, reiterated UI's dedication to providing students with a comprehensive education.

UI Reinforces Commitment to Holistic Education During Visit by German Parliamentarian

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic of the University of Ibadan (UI), Professor Aderonke Baiyeroju, has reiterated the institution's commitment to providing students with a holistic education that enables them to excel academically and uphold strong moral values. During a courtesy visit by a member of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag), Kai Gehring, Professor Baiyeroju highlighted UI's dedication to producing graduates who are not only academically competitive but also possess exemplary character traits.

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Professor Baiyeroju emphasized UI's vision and mission statements, emphasizing the university's pursuit of becoming a world-class institution known for producing well-rounded individuals with sound judgment. She also expressed UI's willingness to collaborate with international partners, such as the German Federal Parliament, to enhance students' understanding of global systems and perspectives.

In response, Gehring, who chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Research, and Technology Assessment, commended UI's reputation as Nigeria's oldest and most prestigious university. He mentioned that his team's visit aimed to conduct interviews for applicants interested in joining the International Parliamentary Scholarship Programme (IPS) in Nigeria.

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The visit underscores UI's commitment to fostering international collaborations and providing students with opportunities for global exposure and learning. As UI continues to uphold its standards of academic excellence and moral integrity, such partnerships further enrich the educational experience for its students.

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