UNIDEL lists examination misconduct and penalties

University of Delta (UNIDEL) lists examination misconduct and penalties

UNIDEL lists examination misconduct and penalties
The management of University of Delta (UNIDEL), has released the examination misconducts and its penalties, Myschoolnews report.
1. Proven cases of fore knowledge of
examination questions (leakage). Expulsion of all involved
2. Coming into examination hall with extraneous materials.          Rustication for a minimum period of 4 semesters or expulsion if fore-knowledge of questions is proven
3. Writing on any materials in the examination hall, 
other than the answer booklet Letter of warning
4. Non production of identity card or authorized letter of 
identification before and during examination. To leave the examination hall immediately
5. Any form of unauthorized communication between and among students during examination To lose 10 minutes of examination time; if it persists, relocate the student; further persistence call the paper
6. Impersonation at examination. Expulsion of all involved
7. Refusal to fill examination misconduct form Rustication for two (2) semesters plus penalty for the original offence
8. Attempt to destroy or actually destroying materials of proof of cheating. Rustication for two (2) semesters plus penalty for the original offence
9. Refusal to obey invigilator instructions such as: 
(i) Writing after the examination has been stopped 
(ii) Non-compliance with the invigilator’s sitting arrangements. (i) Letter of warning 
(ii) To leave the hall and carry over the course
10. Refusal to submit answer scripts (used and unused) at close of examination. Rustication for a minimum period of two (2) semesters
11. Smuggling of question papers and answer booklets out of the hall for help and returning with answer scripts. Expulsion
12. Failure to write matriculation numbers on answer booklet or to sign attendance sheet Letter of warning
13. Writing of candidates names on answer booklet. Letter of warning
14. Leaving examination hall without permission. To carry over the course and letter of warning
15. Failure to draw a line through each blank space at the end of each answer. Letter of warning
16. Unruly behavior in the examination hall such as smoking, 
drinking of liquor, noise, etc. Verbal warning by invigilator. If unruly behavior persists, to leave the hall and carry over the course
17. Proven cases of physical assault on invigilator/attendant Expulsion
18. Failure to appear before misconduct panel Guilty as charged. Indefinite suspension pending appearance before the panel
19. Any students with three (3) letters of warning. Rustication for a minimum period of one (1) session
20. Any other cases of examination malpractice not specified. Punishment as appropriate

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